Good strategy is like a stretch of open road—it’s not loud, it doesn’t try too hard, it just takes you where you need to go. I’ve driven the highways, taken the backroads, and know how to keep things moving.

Top 4 services

  • Craft "shiny objects" (campaigns) to influence behavior, usually buying. Involves creative, engagement, and execution tactics. Think fun, rule-breaking, and audience immersion.

  • Build a brand's "vibe" and story. Define its audience, values, key messages, and visual identity across all touchpoints. Think consistent world-building and clear communication.

  • Discover a company's "why" and "how." It's the vision, mission, and rallying cry that guides all decisions, from R&D to marketing. Requires "total infusion" aligning culture and business models with the purpose. Think challenging, transformative, and authentic impact.

  • Shape cultural contexts to inspire action. "Light up nodes" of culture around a topic to create a surround sound that drives change. Requires deep cultural understanding, strong connections, and often significant resources. Think powerful, strategic storytelling for good.

Top categories & clients

  • AB-InBev; Campari; Coca-Cola; Diageo; LVMH; Blue Bottle Coffee; America’s Test Kitchen; Rasāsvāda

  • Athleta; Converse; Lane Crawford; Madewell; Old Navy; Target

  • Google; Grammarly; IBM; Oscar;

  • HBO; Discovery Channel; Amazon Music; Lego

  • AirBnB; Virgin; Renaissance; Gensler

  • Jane Goodall Institute; Rainforest Alliance

Awards & Recognitions

Throughout my career, I've been part of teams at agencies that have received recognition from AdAge, Fast Company, and Adweek for our innovation and effectiveness. I've also contributed to work that's won various awards, like Cannes Lions and Effies, which celebrate both our creative approach and the impact of our campaigns.

Examples & Work History

